Thursday, February 3, 2011

Enter Sabella: the cruel hard story of a nice girl gone Rogue!!!!!

Sabella crashed agenst the cellar door with hope of breaking it as cold sweat went beading down her face and neck she had been at this for hours. Hannah and Isabelle were taking their shift watching the cellar door in case Sabella got out. Why is she so evil Hannah asked as she braced herself agenst the door for another hit from Sabella? She was not always like this Hannah, Isabelle said as she sat agenst the door. Tell me about her Izzy.

Well when she and I were born to our mother, the dark and stormy night before Halloween. We were Identical twins nothing was different except our eyes and our personality when you would look into our eyes it would be hard to tell who is who except the fact that hers were always a darker shade then mine, mine showed life, day, and happiness, while Sabella's showed death, night, and sorrow. Well one day on our 5th birthday we were playing in the yard while our mother was watching us from the kitchen window. We both heard footsteps grow from faint to loud then we saw who making them there were two men following a young lady at the park and when they got a hold on her she started screaming and fighting desperately to get free but they knocked her out cold and were carrying her to their work van that said The noise silencer, a company that removes unwanted sounds. Well when I saw what they did to her I started screaming and crying while Sabella just stood there silent as death watching them I could see the pain on her face as she stood watching the dastardly seen next to me. When they drove off with her I walked on like nothing ever happened and she ran to mom telling her what had happened but Mom of course did not believe her, You know she was only five years old and known for telling fibs, or was that me?! So the matter was pretty much forgotten to all but Sabella who even at our party with our best friend she stayed quite and still, and to this day I still can't figure out what was going through her young brain. But two years later when you moved across the street from us into the used to be Brown house she had snapped she kept seeing things and hearing things that she could not explain and the last week of her sanity she was hit hard by the death of our Grandfather Barr the only one who understood her. She went into a withdrawal from the rest of the world she would not eat and refused to sleep which was costing her dearly, Till one day when I was almost hit by a car she sprung in front of me and she was sent sprawling and she hit her head and while she was in the hospital she said to me while I was sitting at her bedside she said why did those men do that to her why and how her they so cruel to her? She had brought up what we had seen almost three years ago and she kept going on about the past and when I looked in her eyes I saw fear, day, and happiness which really confused me. And when she was released from the hospital she was not the same she watched horror movies and laughed at the people who were being killed, she laughed when everyone cried. And one day when we were alone she out of the blue went up to me and hugged me I felt a surge of pain through my body but then it was gone it's like she felt the same thing as well as I. And that is when everything changed she grew bitter it is like we switched personalities but she got the brunt of it she grew deeply hateful of men and I laughed at others pain it was strange. She became the Evil one and I became the normal one. She tried to kill me one day and then she later tried to kidnap me to switch back to the way she was to change what had happened.

But now that it has been 6 years and 4 months since the change every inch of good is gone from her she hates the light it burns her, she is no longer the truthful and honest one like she used to be. Now I'm what she used to be and she is drastically worse then what I used to be. I changed for the good and Sabella changed for the worse!!!!! So ends my story.

Hannah stared wide eyed at Isabelle wondering  how she ever could have been evil and how Sabella could have been Good!
Sabella had stopped  her rampage and was breathing heavily agenst the door listening to the story and Seething. She promised herself that she would have her revenge and she would switch places with Isabelle and she would kill all the Barrs  and the people who are close to them.
She cried inwardly wishing to be normal again deep deep down in the small heart that remained in her

Sabella was not always so look into her eyes and know. Sabella haunts Isabelle and her families dreams and consciouses because of one traumatizing event  changed her whole life. Beware she is out there waiting and growing more Evil everyday.

Sabella is Isabelle's evil twin.

But what happened that changed them what caused them to be like this?
That is for you to figure out I have said to much already.

Beware Sabella is out there.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As Hannah leaned against the cellar door with Isabelle, her mind blown away by the sad story of the shifting mind of the Evil Twin, she heard wimperings from Sabella. For a moment Hannah forgot she was a killer and that her heart had died; all she felt was deep empathy and pity. She almost opened the door to give Sabella a big, comforting hug. The kind of embrace she had been missing for so long; the kind she would never have again.

    But Hannah looked at Izzy; saw the fear and sad pity turned to hate written on her face. I remembered what Sabella was. Like Frankenstein's Monster, she wasn't always bad. The World turned her into a crazed beast. No amount of love and kindness could make up for what Sabella had become. Killer.

    Or could it? Even Darth Vader changed his ways... Well, then he died.

    Hannah leaned her forehead against the rough wooden door. "I'm sorry, Sabella."

  3. There was nothing that we could do. I wish everything was back the way it was Izzy stated as she walked tearfully to the window

  4. Hold it, what window? We were in the basement, weren't we?

    And, How dare you delete my comment. You tyrant.

  5. I did not delete you're comment and when I saw you're comment it was already removed I think tim removed it.
    And yes we were in the basement but there is a window in the basement

  6.'s so sad :'( I am sorry izzy that you have to live with her, and i am sorry sabella that you have to be evil. JESUS COULD HELP!!! ok, this is

    Ash signing off

  7. No it is actually not a fantasy.
    She is actually my sister.
    We switch places sometimes.
    We now get along though she hates anyone who comes near me.

  8. Wow! Twins eh? Its a very good read!
