Tuesday, May 31, 2011


heaven clouds sky lovely picture and wallpaper
There is a place that I have heard of all through my childhood, even before I can remember.
No one really knows where it lies.
Some say it is way up in the sky and

some say it is way out to sea where no one has ever gone before.

Many people ask when and how you get to heaven.
Some say you have to die, some say you can't do anything wrong, some say you can't eat certain things, and some say you just die and go to heaven just like that. 
Not many people know the true answer to the commonly asked question. 

How do you get to Heaven?
Do you believe in God?
Do you obey your parents?
Do you love others as much as you love your self?
Do you believe that God sent Jesus to save us from our sins?

It is so hard to try and live a perfect life.
Many have tried and even more have failed. 
Because no one is perfect we are all human; human nature is weak and easily fails, but God is always there to help you get back on the right track if you will just let him lead you there.

The true and only way to get to Heaven is to believe that God sent his one and only son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, so that we do not have to suffer for all our sins.
Believe that God is always there and that 
He will never leave you or forsake you in all your follies and failures, 
and through Him and only Him you can get to Heaven. 

So yes heaven does exist.
But you have to Believe in God for you to ever see all it's glory.

For Jesus is preparing a place for you in Heaven.
And all you have to do is Believe.

Because heaven does exist and it is waiting for you.
jesus died heaven lord picture and wallpaper

Believe and you will see heaven.

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