Dazler ran as fast as her tired legs could carry her.
Her Dark blonde hair bellowing out behind her as she ran and her soft green-blue eyes wet with tears and rain.
Why could they just leave me alone she thought to herself as she ran?
As she ran she looked over her shoulder and tripped, she went rolling down the hill and landed with a crack on top of a heap of trash cans completely unconscious.
Hey guys I found her Yelled Kirk as he stooped down and lifted Dazler up.
Why do you think she ran???? Kitty asked as she joined Kirk.
Wait a minute, who is Dazler Kitty asked
Dazler, who is Dazler you ask? Kirk replied as he sat down in the uncomfortable hospital chair next to the coma educed Dazler.
No I know who she is but why does she hate her life so much and keep running away from us???? Kitty asked as she sat on the bed near Dazler.
Well Dazler was not always like this.
She used to love her life and everything about it he said.
Dazler or Sarina as is her real name was the star athlete in her school, she could outrun, outstretch, out-flip and out due anyone on anything except strength. She was the head cheerleader and most loved girl at her high-school though she remained humble and always found time for the less lucky ones. She had the biggest heart and would always defend the bullied kids from the bullies. All the girls envied her and all the guys adored her, she was the school sweet heart. Till one day when she was running back home since school was over, when she witnessed a brutal murder of a girl about her age. The people who committed the crime saw her scream and took off after her. She ran from them through the dirty streets of New York, she tripped but quickly got back up and ran into an alley way hoping for an escape but found it was a Dead End. She ran over to the wall looking for any possible escape when they finally caught up to where she was, and they slowly took in who she was and saw that she was almost an exact double of the girl who they just murdered and they slowly closed in on her. Sarina backed into the wall and searched for any possible escape and when her hands brushed agenst a hollow in the wall she lounged forward and pulled herself up it was way harder then it looked. They saw what she was doing and ran over to her, they grabbed her legs and attempted to pull her down. Sarina lashed out with her legs kicking them in the head as she pulled herself onto the wall. The guys stared at her in disbelieve as she ran along the thin steep dangerous wall. It began to rain so the wall became slick but she still ran on, though she was tired and cold she ran with all she had. The lightning began to crack overhead and the rain came down even harder then before, the weather was nearly blinding.
As she ran the lightning struck her and she fell over the wall and into the road with electricity flowing from her body. The cops almost ran over her till they saw the electricity still shooting from her just before they hit her. The cop got out and looked in amazement to see that Sarina was still breathing although she was electrocuted with over 10 thousand volts.
Sarina remained in the hospital for one month. And during that month her body started to change not something that the eye would see but her body changed. When she got out she could hear and see better then anyone. And back at her High-school she became even more popular because she got even faster and more agile. But as she got older and she was at the bank depositing her money, the very same two men that murdered that one girl came to the bank and recognized her. They came at her and were about to shoot her when she over took them and knocked them to the ground and subduing them. She later ran away from home and witnessed another murder though this was six years later and it was her best friend who was killed. Upon seeing her death she let out a ear piercing scream that killed the guy instantly. She attempted to commit suicide but began to fly instead. She tried to drown herself but could not. Another lightning storm happened and she tried for it to kill her this time but it just pulled her up into the air and started shooting out of her like she was the source of it.
She later realized that even if she hated her life that she could benefit everyone else with it instead.
Though she still hates her life and wishes she was dead or never born she will do anything to save a person's life.
Kirk ended his story and Kitty stared wide eyed at Dazler who still slept on.
Pore Dazler she said as she pulled Sarina's hair out of her eyes.
Dazler slept on undisturbed though a tear fell down her cheek.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
NCIS Los Angeles
NCIS Los Angeles
G Callen is the OSP special agent in charge and a senior agent first guy on the left
Sam Hanna is Callen's partner and also a senior agent next to Callen
Kensi Blye is the only female agent on field and is a junior agent
Marty Deeks is a L.A.P.D officer and an NCIS agent he is Kensi's second partner after Dominic.
Dominic Vail was Kensi's first partner and he was killed by a terrorist group.
Eric Beal is the OSP Tech Operator he never goes out to the field.
Nell Jones is the OSP Tech Operator Intelligence Analyst she works cross with Eric.
Henrietta Lange or Hetty as she is called by the team is OSP operations manager.
Nate Getz is the Operational Psychologist for the team.
Callen does not remember his past and does not know his real name. No living relatives and keeps mostly to himself.
Sam knows all about his life and was a former Navy Seal. Is married and has two kids
Kensi was the only child of a Marine captain her mother died when she was young and her father was murdered. Her fellow agents treat her like a little sister.
Deeks chooses not to mention his past. He also frequently hits on Kensi.
Hetty has a very shady and hazy past she was a former spy and seems to have endless bits of information.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tower Prep
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Getting in is the easy part, getting out is another story. |
Though they have no choice in the matter of how long their stay will be.
Ian Archer or just Ian is the new kid at Tower Prep.
His special ability is; he can see or sense things just before they happen his ability is called Preflex.
He is planning to escape the mysterious school and meets up with Cj, Gabe, Suki.
Candace Ward or Cj as she prefers, has been at Tower Prep all her life.
Her special ability is that she can read peoples body language and can tell if they are not telling the truth and such her ability is called Perception.
Gabriel Forrest or Gabe as he prefers, barely remembers life outside of Tower Prep.
His special ability is that he can talk anyone into doing anything that he requests his ability is called Hypersuasion.
Suki Sato or just Suki, remembers pretty well her life outside of Tower Prep.
Her special ability is she can mimic anyone with ether voice or writing styles.
Her family runs Tower Prep's electronics and other functions.
They all want to escape the mysterious Tower Prep and find more about the place where they are.
The school is surrounded by a wall and the ocean which prevents escape; also the patrolmen or Gnomes as they are called haunt the school grounds scaring the people who are in it, anyone who is caught by the Gnomes is never seen again or becomes a Gnome.
Ian is played by Drew Van Acker.
Cj is played by Elise Gatien.
Gabe is played by Ryan Pinkston.
Suki is played by Dyana Liu.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Songs that inspire me
The first two are by Katy Perry
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cZzie1EdEZI
Teenage dream
Face down
Can you see me now
Never alone
I need you to love me
Me myself and time
Tell me who is watching me
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Girl of the forest; Sarina's version of Mystery Girl (A book I'm writing.) Part one
I'm sitting here on the branch wondering when they will stop looking for me, I hate it when people think they can take me back, I hate it there in town where they think that I'm a wild and untamed girl yet to be turned into a woman of all things.
The noise is starting to die down and they are starting to give up again, as usual they never caught me.
I slid off the branch and down to the ground, ripped off the heels they had me wearing and slipped on my sneakers, running through the woods with my hair and dress flying through the rain coated air { This was one of the few times I wore a dress.}
I ran with all I had leaving the annoying preppy clothes that threatened to suffocate me, I ran as free as a bird not once turning back. This was my home no matter what they choose to say about it.
My sandy blonde hair now dark because of the rain whipped across my wet shoulders as I ran, I was going home.
I ran through the woods heading straight home not caring if I was in a nice dress, or if it was pouring down rain and I was soaked through.
An hour of running later I came upon what I was seeking, the familiar clearing in the trees and as I approached it I saw my house it nearly brought tears to my eyes, it had almost been a year since I last saw it.
As I climbed the mighty oak on where my home stood I told myself I would never leave this place again for so long.
I got inside and right were I left it was my mother's bible.
I picked it up and I went upstairs.
My name is Sarina Daze and this is my life.
I was not always like this running wild through the woods without a care.
I used to be like any normal teenage girl, going to high school, driver's ed, and homecoming queen.
I had a family that I loved very much. A younger sister, my best friend lived with me along with her twin, and my parents. I was very good at basketball and I kept my younger sister Marie out of trouble when I could.
My life was good or so I thought.
It seems like it was only a week ago since I lost my normal life.
Oh right you don't know that yet.
Well my parents were government agents, so they traveled all over the world which is great when you get to go but in my case I stopped going when I hit 13.
Well anyways they were gone again and I was mad at them for breaking another promise to Marie, Sabrina, Sara, and I. So they came anyway but on their way home from the airport there was a car bomb that did not really do much to them but it stopped their car right in the middle of the highway at the most busiest time of day, We were all in school when they called Sabrina and I out of Biology and they asked us some questions about my family and when we gave them the answers they took us in one of the high-tech police cars, and when we got there we or I should say I was asked to identify the bodies of two adults about my parents age if I could and I was praying not to be right but I identified them as my parents and was right.
Right there in front of Sabrina and I was my parents's life less bodies.
Sabrina fell back into one of the cops arms crying helplessly, I could not believe that right in front of me was my parents and tears would not come for some reason I just stood there dry-eyed staring at their life less bodies unable to cry.
And it all went downhill from there.
When I got home with Sabrina who still could not stop crying, everyone was home.
Marie asked me what is wrong and where we left to.
And I had to be the one who broke the news to her. I said that we had to go on a small trip and then I slowly broke the news to her which was no easy task.
Marie through herself on the couch and started crying while Sara went over to Sabrina and comforted her although she was crying as well.
We had school the next day though only I was sane enough to go.
When I arrived at school everyone looked at me sympathetically and tried to help me with everything.
So I ended up sitting by some new friends that I had made in detention or otherwise known as the Jaguars or the bullies that I slightly converted.
When I sat down at the table Dana asked me if I was okay and if I needed anything. Which I did not dignify with a response more with a glare so she went silent. Jake one of the males at the table looked at me and knew that I was far from alright. When lunch was over I got up and walked to Gym with Dana and Jake.
When we got to gym class they had all kinds of gear and stuff out, so we just leaned against the wall and chatted till the teacher got in.
Mrs Spires called us all together and had us break off into teams so we could do our activities.
When class ended I headed to my last class but was a little late due to taking many detours around sympathetic people. So when I arrived in Psychology I was five minuetes late.
"Miss Daze you are five minuetes late. Oh and how is your family doing?"
I tried to swallow the pain I fealt courseing up my spine, so I just sat down in my desk and tried to get on with my day. I gripped the desk and bit my lip trying to ignore all the people who were around me.
Finally I could not take it anymore and I got up and ran out of the class.
I ran all the way home and hoped that they were all asleep.
Stay tuned for part two.
The noise is starting to die down and they are starting to give up again, as usual they never caught me.
I slid off the branch and down to the ground, ripped off the heels they had me wearing and slipped on my sneakers, running through the woods with my hair and dress flying through the rain coated air { This was one of the few times I wore a dress.}
I ran with all I had leaving the annoying preppy clothes that threatened to suffocate me, I ran as free as a bird not once turning back. This was my home no matter what they choose to say about it.
My sandy blonde hair now dark because of the rain whipped across my wet shoulders as I ran, I was going home.
I ran through the woods heading straight home not caring if I was in a nice dress, or if it was pouring down rain and I was soaked through.
An hour of running later I came upon what I was seeking, the familiar clearing in the trees and as I approached it I saw my house it nearly brought tears to my eyes, it had almost been a year since I last saw it.
As I climbed the mighty oak on where my home stood I told myself I would never leave this place again for so long.
I got inside and right were I left it was my mother's bible.
I picked it up and I went upstairs.
My name is Sarina Daze and this is my life.
I was not always like this running wild through the woods without a care.
I used to be like any normal teenage girl, going to high school, driver's ed, and homecoming queen.
I had a family that I loved very much. A younger sister, my best friend lived with me along with her twin, and my parents. I was very good at basketball and I kept my younger sister Marie out of trouble when I could.
My life was good or so I thought.
It seems like it was only a week ago since I lost my normal life.
Oh right you don't know that yet.
Well my parents were government agents, so they traveled all over the world which is great when you get to go but in my case I stopped going when I hit 13.
Well anyways they were gone again and I was mad at them for breaking another promise to Marie, Sabrina, Sara, and I. So they came anyway but on their way home from the airport there was a car bomb that did not really do much to them but it stopped their car right in the middle of the highway at the most busiest time of day, We were all in school when they called Sabrina and I out of Biology and they asked us some questions about my family and when we gave them the answers they took us in one of the high-tech police cars, and when we got there we or I should say I was asked to identify the bodies of two adults about my parents age if I could and I was praying not to be right but I identified them as my parents and was right.
Right there in front of Sabrina and I was my parents's life less bodies.
Sabrina fell back into one of the cops arms crying helplessly, I could not believe that right in front of me was my parents and tears would not come for some reason I just stood there dry-eyed staring at their life less bodies unable to cry.
And it all went downhill from there.
When I got home with Sabrina who still could not stop crying, everyone was home.
Marie asked me what is wrong and where we left to.
And I had to be the one who broke the news to her. I said that we had to go on a small trip and then I slowly broke the news to her which was no easy task.
Marie through herself on the couch and started crying while Sara went over to Sabrina and comforted her although she was crying as well.
We had school the next day though only I was sane enough to go.
When I arrived at school everyone looked at me sympathetically and tried to help me with everything.
So I ended up sitting by some new friends that I had made in detention or otherwise known as the Jaguars or the bullies that I slightly converted.
When I sat down at the table Dana asked me if I was okay and if I needed anything. Which I did not dignify with a response more with a glare so she went silent. Jake one of the males at the table looked at me and knew that I was far from alright. When lunch was over I got up and walked to Gym with Dana and Jake.
When we got to gym class they had all kinds of gear and stuff out, so we just leaned against the wall and chatted till the teacher got in.
Mrs Spires called us all together and had us break off into teams so we could do our activities.
When class ended I headed to my last class but was a little late due to taking many detours around sympathetic people. So when I arrived in Psychology I was five minuetes late.
"Miss Daze you are five minuetes late. Oh and how is your family doing?"
I tried to swallow the pain I fealt courseing up my spine, so I just sat down in my desk and tried to get on with my day. I gripped the desk and bit my lip trying to ignore all the people who were around me.
Finally I could not take it anymore and I got up and ran out of the class.
I ran all the way home and hoped that they were all asleep.
Stay tuned for part two.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The truth beneath the Rose
Some roses are white
Some roses are red
Some roses are yellow
And some roses are pink
But have you ever stopped and thought about how the rose gets it's glow or how the rose is so beautiful yet so painful and evil
People never stop to think of what is beneath the rose.
But when you look at a rose you see beauty but under the rose is thorns, thorns that pierce and cut.
The rose grows in a bush with some flowers and tuns, and I mean Tuns of thorns.
despite its vast and untamed beauty it has evil.
The rose is a sign of love and affection though it is also a sign of death in some cases.
The question is why is it so pretty yet so evil.
The rose is almost like the devil, Beautiful yet evil.
So what is the rose hiding?
Why is it so evil.
And why are they pretty and evil at the same time.
these are all good questions.
Some roses are white
Some roses are red
Some roses are yellow
And some roses are pink
But have you ever stopped and thought about how the rose gets it's glow or how the rose is so beautiful yet so painful and evil
People never stop to think of what is beneath the rose.
But when you look at a rose you see beauty but under the rose is thorns, thorns that pierce and cut.
The rose grows in a bush with some flowers and tuns, and I mean Tuns of thorns.
despite its vast and untamed beauty it has evil.
The rose is a sign of love and affection though it is also a sign of death in some cases.
The question is why is it so pretty yet so evil.
The rose is almost like the devil, Beautiful yet evil.
So what is the rose hiding?
Why is it so evil.
And why are they pretty and evil at the same time.
these are all good questions.
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What is the truth beneath the rose? Do you know?? |
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Enter Sabella: the cruel hard story of a nice girl gone Rogue!!!!!
Sabella crashed agenst the cellar door with hope of breaking it as cold sweat went beading down her face and neck she had been at this for hours. Hannah and Isabelle were taking their shift watching the cellar door in case Sabella got out. Why is she so evil Hannah asked as she braced herself agenst the door for another hit from Sabella? She was not always like this Hannah, Isabelle said as she sat agenst the door. Tell me about her Izzy.
Well when she and I were born to our mother, the dark and stormy night before Halloween. We were Identical twins nothing was different except our eyes and our personality when you would look into our eyes it would be hard to tell who is who except the fact that hers were always a darker shade then mine, mine showed life, day, and happiness, while Sabella's showed death, night, and sorrow. Well one day on our 5th birthday we were playing in the yard while our mother was watching us from the kitchen window. We both heard footsteps grow from faint to loud then we saw who making them there were two men following a young lady at the park and when they got a hold on her she started screaming and fighting desperately to get free but they knocked her out cold and were carrying her to their work van that said The noise silencer, a company that removes unwanted sounds. Well when I saw what they did to her I started screaming and crying while Sabella just stood there silent as death watching them I could see the pain on her face as she stood watching the dastardly seen next to me. When they drove off with her I walked on like nothing ever happened and she ran to mom telling her what had happened but Mom of course did not believe her, You know she was only five years old and known for telling fibs, or was that me?! So the matter was pretty much forgotten to all but Sabella who even at our party with our best friend she stayed quite and still, and to this day I still can't figure out what was going through her young brain. But two years later when you moved across the street from us into the used to be Brown house she had snapped she kept seeing things and hearing things that she could not explain and the last week of her sanity she was hit hard by the death of our Grandfather Barr the only one who understood her. She went into a withdrawal from the rest of the world she would not eat and refused to sleep which was costing her dearly, Till one day when I was almost hit by a car she sprung in front of me and she was sent sprawling and she hit her head and while she was in the hospital she said to me while I was sitting at her bedside she said why did those men do that to her why and how her they so cruel to her? She had brought up what we had seen almost three years ago and she kept going on about the past and when I looked in her eyes I saw fear, day, and happiness which really confused me. And when she was released from the hospital she was not the same she watched horror movies and laughed at the people who were being killed, she laughed when everyone cried. And one day when we were alone she out of the blue went up to me and hugged me I felt a surge of pain through my body but then it was gone it's like she felt the same thing as well as I. And that is when everything changed she grew bitter it is like we switched personalities but she got the brunt of it she grew deeply hateful of men and I laughed at others pain it was strange. She became the Evil one and I became the normal one. She tried to kill me one day and then she later tried to kidnap me to switch back to the way she was to change what had happened.
But now that it has been 6 years and 4 months since the change every inch of good is gone from her she hates the light it burns her, she is no longer the truthful and honest one like she used to be. Now I'm what she used to be and she is drastically worse then what I used to be. I changed for the good and Sabella changed for the worse!!!!! So ends my story.
Hannah stared wide eyed at Isabelle wondering how she ever could have been evil and how Sabella could have been Good!
Sabella had stopped her rampage and was breathing heavily agenst the door listening to the story and Seething. She promised herself that she would have her revenge and she would switch places with Isabelle and she would kill all the Barrs and the people who are close to them.
She cried inwardly wishing to be normal again deep deep down in the small heart that remained in her
Sabella was not always so look into her eyes and know. Sabella haunts Isabelle and her families dreams and consciouses because of one traumatizing event changed her whole life. Beware she is out there waiting and growing more Evil everyday.
Sabella is Isabelle's evil twin.
But what happened that changed them what caused them to be like this?
That is for you to figure out I have said to much already.
Beware Sabella is out there.
Well when she and I were born to our mother, the dark and stormy night before Halloween. We were Identical twins nothing was different except our eyes and our personality when you would look into our eyes it would be hard to tell who is who except the fact that hers were always a darker shade then mine, mine showed life, day, and happiness, while Sabella's showed death, night, and sorrow. Well one day on our 5th birthday we were playing in the yard while our mother was watching us from the kitchen window. We both heard footsteps grow from faint to loud then we saw who making them there were two men following a young lady at the park and when they got a hold on her she started screaming and fighting desperately to get free but they knocked her out cold and were carrying her to their work van that said The noise silencer, a company that removes unwanted sounds. Well when I saw what they did to her I started screaming and crying while Sabella just stood there silent as death watching them I could see the pain on her face as she stood watching the dastardly seen next to me. When they drove off with her I walked on like nothing ever happened and she ran to mom telling her what had happened but Mom of course did not believe her, You know she was only five years old and known for telling fibs, or was that me?! So the matter was pretty much forgotten to all but Sabella who even at our party with our best friend she stayed quite and still, and to this day I still can't figure out what was going through her young brain. But two years later when you moved across the street from us into the used to be Brown house she had snapped she kept seeing things and hearing things that she could not explain and the last week of her sanity she was hit hard by the death of our Grandfather Barr the only one who understood her. She went into a withdrawal from the rest of the world she would not eat and refused to sleep which was costing her dearly, Till one day when I was almost hit by a car she sprung in front of me and she was sent sprawling and she hit her head and while she was in the hospital she said to me while I was sitting at her bedside she said why did those men do that to her why and how her they so cruel to her? She had brought up what we had seen almost three years ago and she kept going on about the past and when I looked in her eyes I saw fear, day, and happiness which really confused me. And when she was released from the hospital she was not the same she watched horror movies and laughed at the people who were being killed, she laughed when everyone cried. And one day when we were alone she out of the blue went up to me and hugged me I felt a surge of pain through my body but then it was gone it's like she felt the same thing as well as I. And that is when everything changed she grew bitter it is like we switched personalities but she got the brunt of it she grew deeply hateful of men and I laughed at others pain it was strange. She became the Evil one and I became the normal one. She tried to kill me one day and then she later tried to kidnap me to switch back to the way she was to change what had happened.
But now that it has been 6 years and 4 months since the change every inch of good is gone from her she hates the light it burns her, she is no longer the truthful and honest one like she used to be. Now I'm what she used to be and she is drastically worse then what I used to be. I changed for the good and Sabella changed for the worse!!!!! So ends my story.
Hannah stared wide eyed at Isabelle wondering how she ever could have been evil and how Sabella could have been Good!
Sabella had stopped her rampage and was breathing heavily agenst the door listening to the story and Seething. She promised herself that she would have her revenge and she would switch places with Isabelle and she would kill all the Barrs and the people who are close to them.
She cried inwardly wishing to be normal again deep deep down in the small heart that remained in her
Sabella was not always so look into her eyes and know. Sabella haunts Isabelle and her families dreams and consciouses because of one traumatizing event changed her whole life. Beware she is out there waiting and growing more Evil everyday.
Sabella is Isabelle's evil twin.
But what happened that changed them what caused them to be like this?
That is for you to figure out I have said to much already.
Beware Sabella is out there.
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